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Iker Mauricio, Espinoza


"Iker Mauricio is a sweet boy, full of joy and happiness. His passion is playing soccer. He lives with his little sister and his mother, who are currently facing very difficult and challenging times, as his mother is the main provider of the household and is unemployed due to health issues."


Full name: Iker Mauricio, Espinoza

Age: 10 years old

Date of birth: 03/18/2013

Ministry Location: Metro Ministries/ Ebenezer

Gender: Male

Language: Spanish

Hobbies: Playing Soccer

General Health: Healthy

Primary Caregiver: Mother/ Fabiola Esponoza

Family Profile: Single Mother

Prayer request: For family, health


Living condition: Very needy due to the fact that the only caregiver is the mother and she has no job.

Detailed description of the family:

The family is in need with lack of food, student supplies, lack of employment for her mother due to her health.

Set up your monthly, quarterly, or annual contribution here...


Bank information if you are in Costa Rica

Bac San Jose

$ Dollar account

Bank account: 932437189

Cuenta cliente: 10200009324371895

IBAN: CR92010200009324371895

₡ Colones account

Bank account in colones: 932437197  

Cuenta cliente: 10200009324371978

IBAN: CR82010200009324371978

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your sponsorship.
We thank you in advance for your generosity and commitment to bringing hope to a child in Costa Rica.  We are here to provide any additional information you may need.

Make a lasting impact by sponsoring a child

By sponsoring a child, you provide life-changing food, clothes, school supplies, medicine and educational opportunities for children. Your gift will help transform a child's future! For $40 a month, your gift will make a lasting change in a child's life and be a blessing to a family.


When you sponsor a child, you can exchange letters, photos, and prayers. You can even choose to visit the child you sponsor.

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