Learn more about Metro Ministries in action:

Metro Ministries focuses on investing in children, and their communities, for the long term.
When our children become teenagers, we encourage them to become part of our Youth programs. with the purpose of continuing to invest in their lives in a deeper and more comprehensive way.
Children's programs
Our Children's programs are targeted at ages from 5 to 13 years old.
The children have the opportunity to experience worship in an age-appropriate format every week.
Children attend the programs alone and with their parents. Our programs are comprised of prayer, music, Bible stories, Bible lesson, Bible-learning activities such as memory verses, Bible lesson reviews, games, and other activities.
In order to see a better world out of crime, drugs, and violence We need to start by investing in children. Let's prepare together a new generation. Most children face life as adults as they learned it as a child.
Let's teach the children good principles and values, and the importance of making good decisions in life!
Proverbs 22:6
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.