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Frequently Asked Questions about Serving at Metro Ministries Costa Rica
How can I get involved as a volunteer?
There are many ways you can get involved with us, and together we can bring hope and God's love to many children, youth, and adults in Costa Rica. Metro Ministries can offer you the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. From sponsoring a child to volunteering, there are many ways to get involved. Together, we can change lives, bring light and hope, and demonstrate the love of Christ in action. Learn more about how you can partner with Metro Ministries here and be a part of God's work in Costa Rica. Join us and become an instrument of change!
What's the minimum amount of time I can serve with Metro Ministries Costa Rica?
To really experience our ministry in action, we recommend planning to stay for at least two weeks. This is the ideal amount of time to fully immerse yourself in what we do and be a great help with our daily activities. With a stay of two weeks or more, you will be able to integrate into the ministry’s daily work, get to know the areas where we need support, and make a meaningful contribution. During your time with us, you will have the chance to participate in a variety of tasks, like helping organize events and activities for the children or working on community projects. You can apply online here...
What will my stay be like while volunteering with Metro Ministries?
We want your volunteer experience to be more than just lending a hand. We want you to get to know the local culture and language. That's why we've teamed up with families who are active in the church and well-connected with Metro Ministries. These families are committed to welcoming you into their safe and secure homes. You will get more than just a place to stay. You will also get to immerse yourself in the culture, pick up some of the language, and enjoy the warmth of a Costa Rican family.
This type of accommodation is ideal for short-term volunteers, especially women and couples. It is a great opportunity to make the most of this enriching experience. We see cultural exchange as a key part of what we do, because it helps volunteers connect with a local community.
If you are planning to volunteer for a longer period, between 6 and 11 months, Metro Ministries has a different type of housing option. This space is mainly for men and can host three to four people. It is a great place to relax and recharge after a day of activities.
Whether you stay with a local family or in our facilities—our goal is to make your time with us life-changing for you and the people you'll be serving.

Is it possible to bring missionary groups to serve at Metro Ministries Costa Rica?
Missionary groups are always welcome at Metro Ministries. They provide significant support, both physically and spiritually. Thanks to their help, we are able to reach more children and families, expand our reach, and offer help to those who need it most. Groups provide a lot of energy, willing hands, and loving hearts, and enabling us to accomplish tasks faster than we could on our own. Whether they are building, organizing activities, or simply spending time with the kids, their contributions have a direct and lasting impact on the community we serve.
In addition to the physical work, the spiritual influence of missionary groups is truly meaningful. By sharing their stories and spreading the message of God's love, they offer kids and families hope and faith for a brighter future. For children, especially, meeting new people from different places helps them think differently. It encourages them to dream big, use their imagination, and believe they can reach their goals.
These experiences help them see the world differently and give them the motivation to pursue their dreams.
In short, having mission groups at Metro Ministries not only helps us do our work better but also makes a big difference for the kids and families we serve. Your support means a lot; it enables us to do more and brings hope to those who need it most.
How do accommodations for missionary groups work?
Usually, missionary groups make their hotel and transportation reservations before arriving in the country. However, if you need help coordinating these details, we are here to assist you with whatever you need. For those who choose to stay at the location that Metro uses for missionary groups, it is important to note that a reservation is required at least 8 months in advance. Additionally, for them to guarantee the space, it is necessary to pay half of the lodging cost in advance. This place is designed to accommodate up to 80 people, providing a spacious and comfortable environment for the group. It is important to mention that meals are not included in the lodging service, as the place does not offer this service. Therefore, the coordination of meals must be done separately. This may involve looking for local restaurants, organizing a catering service, or coordinating with the on-site kitchen if available. Despite this detail, we strive to ensure that your experience is as comfortable and smooth as possible. If you have any questions or need guidance on how to arrange meals or any other aspect of your stay, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to make your experience with us as enriching and hassle-free as possible, so you can focus on your mission and the positive impact you will make.
Do you have an itinerary for your missionary group?
Please email us with all the details of your trip, including your stay dates, the number of people in your group, couples, and whether you need transportation. With this information, we can assist you in coordinating your visit as effectively as possible. Send your email to metro.ministries.cr@mail.com, and we will provide you with all the necessary details.
Feel free to reach out with any additional questions; we are happy to help!

What activities would we do with the missionary group at Metro Ministries?
When missionary groups visit us, we typically focus on physical projects during the mornings. These projects range from supporting a local church to investing in the entire community where Metro works. These activities can include cleaning, painting schools, or even building essential infrastructure at a local church. When a visiting group brings financial resources to help with Metro Ministries' projects, it's incredibly valued and appreciated. Often, our resources are limited, so any extra support can make a huge difference. These funds help us carry out important projects and make a real impact.
In the afternoons, we focus on kids’ programs. These can include the usual Metro Ministries activities like Bible teachings, games, and songs, or special activities that the visiting groups bring along. Often, these groups come up with unique activities aimed at connecting with the kids in special ways, bringing them joy, learning, and love. The combination of physical projects in the morning and children's programs in the afternoon creates a holistic and transformative experience for children and the entire community.
Can we bring supplies to give to the children at Metro?
At Metro Ministries, we are always looking for resources to help us provide a better experience in our children's programs. School supplies such as notebooks, pencils, and backpacks are essential. Additionally, materials for games and recreational activities, such as balls, jump ropes, and board games, are also greatly appreciated. Read more about ideas on what to bring…
How is Metro Ministries financially supported?
Currently, Metro Ministries is mostly sustained through the generous one-time donations of mission groups, friends, and families who share our vision and believe in the work that Metro Ministries does. These contributions are essential for continuing to offer programs and services that positively impact each child and family. Donations allow us to not only meet basic needs as a ministry but also to fund infrastructure projects and community support that create lasting change.
We believe that by partnering with Metro Ministries, donors not only give financially but also become part of a larger mission which is: to transform lives through love, hope, and faith. Being a part of Metro Ministries means being part of a collective effort to provide opportunities and change the future of hundreds of children and their families. If you or someone you know would like to be part of this mission, we invite you to join us and experience the satisfaction of knowing that your generosity is helping to build a better future for many.
Requirements to Serve in Metro Ministries?
Other than being a born-again Christian, with a heart to serve and share the love of Christ. It is important that every applicant has no criminal record that could compromise the integrity of Metro Ministries, as we value the safety and well-being of those we serve. In addition, we seek applicants who have a strong desire to serve, have creativity and initiative, and demonstrate a genuine love for others. It is also important that they are respectful, adapt to the local culture, and are willing to learn and grow within our community. These qualities are fundamental to making an effective and meaningful contribution to our mission.
How should I dress while serving with Metro Ministries?
We recommend that both men and women wear long pants while participating in Metro Ministries activities. If you prefer to wear shorts, please make sure they’re modest and not too attention-grabbing, especially for women. The purpose of this recommendation is to avoid attracting the attention of people who may approach us with inappropriate intentions, like taking pictures or videos for the wrong reasons.
In the communities we serve, dressing modestly not only helps protect the ministry's image and dignity as a Christ-centered organization but also shows respect for everyone and for the people we’re here to help.

What are the activities that Metro Ministries does the most?
We do these activities at Metro Ministries:
Home Visit:
In our visits, we address a variety of needs, both physical and spiritual, through short- and long-term one-on-one relationships. This allows us to see how the children live and to better understand their physical and spiritual needs. It also helps home visitors to better tailor their support and guidance to the families' needs.
we seek to gain a deeper understanding of their family and community environment, enabling us to provide more personalized and effective support.
The Children's Activities:
Our children's programs are designed for ages 5-13. Children have the opportunity to participate in age-appropriate worship activities each week. They attend the programs either alone or with their parents. Our programs include prayer, music, Bible stories, Bible lessons, Bible study activities such as memory verses, Bible lesson reviews, games, and other activities.
The Arts and Crafts activities:
We provide arts and crafts activities for the children to explore their creativity. These activities provide multiple learning opportunities, such as working together on arts and crafts projects that help the children improve their teamwork, communication, and social skills as they learn to work with each other to complete their projects.
These activities also allow us to get to know the children better, their concerns and hopes, spend quality time with them, and create meaningful memories that often stay with them forever.
Vacation Bible School:
Twice a year, during the children's school vacations, we run special programs such as Vacation Bible School (VBS). These programs allow us to connect more deeply with each child and provide an excellent opportunity to spend time with them during their free time. This way, we keep them off the streets and away from negative influences, instead offering a safe and caring environment.
Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) program is an event that includes teaching, Bible stories, and much more. Our goal is to incorporate dynamic activities that not only entertain the children but also give them the opportunity to learn about God. Vacation Bible School is an accessible way to involve children in the life of the church while giving them the chance to meet members of the congregation.
Christmas programs:
Christmas is a special time full of activities in our ministry where children are the main protagonists. This is something we strive to do every year. These programs provide an exciting experience for each child where they receive gifts and participate in Christmas games. Christmas is undoubtedly the most wonderful time of the year for many of the children we serve. It is a time to enjoy with them, open gifts and see so many smiles. Christmas is an opportunity for us to create memories that our children will value as they grow up.
Youth Ministry:
In our ministry, we have also implemented youth events to ensure an effective long-term investment in the children who have attended our activities for many years. We have a series of activities designed specifically for teenagers and young adults between the ages of 13 and 20. At these ages, we share more in-depth topics on the importance of making good decisions and living away from drugs and gangs. We encourage them to be part of a local church and live a life away from evil.
Youth Camps:
We organize youth camps once or twice a year in order to get them out of their usual environment of gangs and destructive influences. These camps are held in special places where we invest in their lives through biblical messages and recreational activities; this also includes hikes and participation with other church youth in other places in Costa Rica.
Sport Ministry:
For years, we have observed that many young people become discouraged when they only receive Bible teachings and participate in games and recreational activities, as they get bored and stop attending our events. For this reason, we have introduced sports activities, especially for boys. This approach allows us not only to invest in the young people who regularly attend our activities but also to attract those from the community who are interested. Before each activity, we have a time of praise and worship, followed by a Bible lesson. During soccer games, any insults or inappropriate language result in a red card. This approach has been very well received.
Social Help:
We also carry out social service projects once or twice a month to support the communities we serve. Our goal is to help the local communities where we work with children and to invest in the local church. Usually, our activities are done within the local churches. To accomplish these social service projects, we work with missionary groups that come from the United States for periods of 3 to 4 days.

What is the focus of Metro Ministries?
Metro Ministries' focus extends beyond addressing the spiritual needs of children; it also includes their physical needs. As a ministry, we believe that a holistic relationship is key to lasting change, so we are committed to building both short- and long-term one-on-one relationships with the children we serve. By doing this, we help them feel the love of Jesus not just through words, but also through actions that give them opportunities to grow spiritually and personally.
What is Metro Ministries' method of service?
Our method of ministry is centered on working together with local churches. By partnering with these churches, we seek to nurture God's love and salvation in the hearts of children, youth, and their families. We believe that involving the local church in this process creates a stronger and more lasting impact on the communities we serve as ministry. In addition to working with local churches, Metro Ministries also engages mission groups from the United States. These groups bring energy and enthusiasm that revitalizes the communities and strengthens our work with children and youth.
In short, Metro Ministries is dedicated to transforming lives through the power of Jesus' love, working hand in hand with local churches to provide a future of hope for the children of Costa Rica. With a focus on the holistic well-being of the children and a commitment to long-term ministry, we are determined to make a lasting difference in their lives and communities.
What is the purpose of Metro Ministries?
Our purpose is to bring the love and hope of God to all children and youth growing up in high-risk situations. We understand that difficult circumstances can have a negative impact on their lives that is why we make a long-term investment in each child with the goal of giving them a better future. It is important for us to see a lasting impact on children, one that extends beyond their childhood and into adulthood.
We want each child we serve to carry with them strong Christian principles that will guide them into adulthood. We want them to be prepared to face the world with a positive attitude, trusting in their value that comes from God, regardless of their past or the suffering they have been through. We believe that with the love and hope that God gives us, these young people can overcome any obstacle, and we are committed to walking with them through this process, providing the support and tools necessary to break the cycle of hopelessness. Our work is not just a temporary effort but also a long-term investment in each child's life, with the hope that one day they will become faith-filled adults, ready to face the world with confidence in God and in the love, they have received.
How Are the Children's Programs Designed?
Our children's programs are designed for ages 5 to 13 years old. Children have the opportunity to participate in age-appropriate worship activities, either attending alone or with their parents. Our programs include prayer, music, Bible stories, Bible lessons, Bible study activities such as memory verses and lesson reviews, as well as dramas, puppet shows, art clubs, VBS, games, and more.

What is Metro Ministries' vision?
Our vision is to make it possible for every child and young people to get to know Jesus, without barriers. We believe that when the children and young people experience God's love at Metro Ministries, they will naturally would like to join a local church. That is why it is so important for a pastor or church leader to be involved in our activities. At this point, we believe that the local church can really step up together with Metro Ministries, welcoming these children, youth and their families and helping them move to the next stage of their spiritual journey as part of the church. This new stage ideally involves long-term discipleship to strengthen the faith of each of them within a Christian community.
As a ministry, we see the local church as a strategic partner in the process of discipleship and ongoing spiritual growth.
What is the Mission of Metro Ministries?
Our mission is to reach out to children, teens, and families right where they are, get involved in their lives, and share the gospel in a fun and accessible way. We want to bring hope and a better future to them and their families, and then help them get connected with the local church.