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Ian Daniel Montero Reyes


Ian is a loving child; he loves to smile and be happy and enjoys learning about God. He lives in a family with very limited resources; his mother carries the heaviest burden of the household, caring for him and working to bring food home. Her dream is to one day have the opportunity to provide a better quality of life for her children.



Full Name: Ian Daniel Montero Reyes

Age: 6 years old

Date of Birth: 27/7/2017

Ministry Location: Metro Ministries/Ebenezer

Gender: Male

Language: Spanish

Hobbies: He loves to play soccer, Coloring, Playing, and Skateboarding.

General Health: Sufre de Alergias

Primary Caregiver: Mother

Family Profile: Lives only with his mother and works to support her household.

Prayer Request: For a better living condition


Living conditions: They live in extreme poverty, in a precarious situation.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your sponsorship.
We thank you in advance for your generosity and commitment to bringing hope to a child in Costa Rica.  We are here to provide any additional information you may need.

Make a lasting impact by sponsoring a child

By sponsoring a child, you provide life-changing food, clothes, school supplies, medicine and educational opportunities for children. Your gift will help transform a child's future! For $40 a month, your gift will make a lasting change in a child's life and be a blessing to a family.


When you sponsor a child, you can exchange letters, photos, and prayers. You can even choose to visit the child you sponsor.

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