Metro Ministries Costa Rica
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Metro Ministries Costa Rica
Donovan Castillo Picado is 12 years old and was born on October 3, 2011. He's currently in sixth grade.
He lives with his mother and two brothers. Despite some economic challenges that affect his quality of life, Donovan remains positive about his studies and enjoys spending time with his siblings and friends. He'd love to travel to Peru one day. Despite the financial difficulties his family is facing, Donovan remains optimistic. His mom is the main caregiver and has to figure out how to make ends meet. Money is a big issue for the family, but Donovan is a tough kid with big dreams. They're asking for prayers for financial stability so the family can improve their quality of life and help Donovan achieve his dreams.
Full Name: Donovan Castillo Picado
Age: 12 Years old
Date of Birth: 3/10/2011
Academics: Donovan is currently in the sixth grade of elementary school. He finds social studies particularly challenging.
Ministry Location: Metro Ministries/Ebenezer
Gender: Male
Language: Spanish
Hobbies: He enjoys studying and spending time with his siblings and friends.
Places he would like to visit someday: one of them is Peru. Donovan dreams of visiting this country because of its history and culture.
Primary Caregiver: Mother
Family Profile: Donovan lives with his mother and two brothers.
Prayer Request: For financial stability at home
Living conditions: Donovan and his family struggle to make ends meet. The lack of money forces them to suffer many hardships, such as food shortages and other basic needs. This affects their quality of life significantly.
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Bank information if you are in Costa Rica
Bac San Jose
$ Dollar account
Bank account: 932437189
Cuenta cliente: 10200009324371895
IBAN: CR92010200009324371895
₡ Colones account
Bank account in colones: 932437197
Cuenta cliente: 10200009324371978
IBAN: CR82010200009324371978
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your sponsorship.
We thank you in advance for your generosity and commitment to bringing hope to a child in Costa Rica. We are here to provide any additional information you may need.
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