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Ir a niños, jóvenes y familias allí donde ellos están, y poder invertir personalmente en sus vidas y presentar el evangelio de una manera divertida y accesible que traiga esperanza y un futuro mejor para ellos y sus familias.
Proverbios 22:6
Instruye al niño en su camino, Y aun cuando fuere viejo no se apartará de él.
Ver a los niños crecer como discípulos de Jesús y, a su vez, convertirse en hombres y mujeres que sirvan al Reino de Dios.
Ayudar a niños, Jóvenes y familias enteras a encontrar la esperanza en el amor de Cristo.

How Are the Children's Programs Designed?
Our children's programs are designed for ages 5 to 13 years old. Children have the opportunity to participate in age-appropriate worship activities, either attending alone or with their parents. Our programs include prayer, music, Bible stories, Bible lessons, Bible study activities such as memory verses and lesson reviews, as well as dramas, puppet shows, art clubs, VBS, games, and more.
What is Metro Ministries' vision?
To see children growing as disciples of Jesus and, in turn, becoming men and women who serve the Kingdom of God.
Our vision is to make it possible for every child and young people to get to know Jesus, without
barriers. We believe that when the children and young people experience God's love at Metro Ministries, they will naturally would like to join a local church. That is why it is so important for a pastor or church leader to be involved in our activities. At this point, we believe that the local church can really step up together with Metro Ministries, welcoming these children, youth, and their families and helping them move to the next stage of their spiritual journey as part of the church. This new stage ideally involves long-term discipleship to strengthen the faith of each of them within a Christian community.
As a ministry, we see the local church as a strategic partner in the process of discipleship and ongoing spiritual growth.
What is the Mission of Metro Ministries?
To go to children, youth, and families where they are, and to be able to personally invest in their lives and present the gospel in a fun and accessible way that brings hope and a better future for them and their families. Our mission is to reach out to children, teens, and families right where they are, get involved in their lives, and share the gospel in a fun and accessible way. We want to bring hope and a better future to them and their families, and then help them get connected with the local church.
Proverbs 22:6
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.
To help children, youth, and their families find hope in the love of Christ.